The Nine Novels in Bryant Wieneke's Priority Series
In conjunction with the issuance of the ninth novel in my acclaimed Priority Series of contemporary political thrillers, the first novel in the series, Priority One, has been reissued. In his review, David Gurr states, "Priority One successfully explores how things have changed in the post 9/11 world. The continuing failure of nations to address long term programs such as education and health results in the recruitment of terrorists from among the billion people in the world who are poor."
Like the ninth novel in the series, Too Much with Us, Priority One is available via or through my website at
However, it is time to ask if Too Much with Us should be the last in the series. Honestly, it depends on the interest level. I have been writing these books for a decade-and-a-half, and I very much appreciate my devoted followers. However, agents and publishers seem uninterested in my work. I will reach out again to them, but without wider interest in my novels, which I continue to believe focus on an important and timely subject - perhaps more than ever these days - I will call it a day with the Priority Series.