Rachel Carson's AHA! moment, Chapter 3
3. As Rachel worked on the book, which required considerable research and uncompromising attention to detail, Marie Rodell shopped it to...

Rachel Carson AHA! Moment - Chapter 2 (bryantwieneke.com/blog)
2. The Great Depression was in full swing by this time, and when Rachel’s father died, Rachel knew that it was up to her to support her...

The Day Rachel Carson Invented Environmentalism - Chapter 1
Number Three in the AHA! series The Day Rachel Carson Invented Environmentalism Bryant Wieneke This is a work of fiction. All of the...

Shepherd.com Now Features Bryant Wieneke's AHA! Moments Biography Series
"Discovering a new book should be a magical experience where the search is part of the fun," states Sherherd.com, which features me as...

A Long Time Comin'
I started this blog when I was in the throes of cancer treatment, as a follow-up to my 2017 book, Melanoma without a Cause. That book...

Watch Out for Those Waves!
There were waves of tests last week - comprehensive blood work, full-body PET scan, brain MRI - prior to my meeting with my oncologist...

Bumps in the Cancer-Recovery Road
In October 2018, my wife, Elvira, and I drove down to UCLA to meet with my neurosurgeon and melanoma expert. Following four combination...
Better Than a Nobel Prize
On a sunny day in May 2016, my urologist called with the results of my precautionary CT scan. Spluttering with emotion, he explained that...
Melanoma without a Cause - continued
Thank you for visiting my website. I have been blogging over the past year about progress with my melanoma treatment at...