Features My Three Favorite Reads of 2023 is a new website that facilitates the search for good books to read by getting recommendations from authors in a huge...
The Nine Novels in Bryant Wieneke's Priority Series
In conjunction with the issuance of the ninth novel in my acclaimed Priority Series of contemporary political thrillers, the first novel...
Too Much with Us, Late and Soon - an excitingly hopeful but still realistic novel of current times
In Bryant Wieneke's latest political thriller, Too Much with Us, Late and Soon, American politics take a surprisingly positive turn. This...
Too Much with Us, Late and Soon by Bryant Wieneke
Bryant Wieneke's latest novel features a new take on American politics, imagining a landscape where elected officials care more about the...
Too Much with Us, Late and Soon
Too Much with Us, Late and Soon is the exciting and thoughtful new novel from Bryant Wieneke, featuring Kendall Smith, a well-intentioned...
COMING SOON: Bryant Wieneke's New Novel!
Too Much with Us, Late and Soon is the new novel from Bryant Wieneke, featuring Kendall Smith, a well-intentioned water expert who...
Rachel Carson's AHA! Moment, Chapter 15 - all chapters at
15. Back in Silver Spring, Rachel’s doctor confirmed what she had suspected – the pain in her back and legs was due to the cancer’s...
Rachel Carson's AHA! Moment, Chapter 14 - all chapters at
14. Rachel Carson testified to the Senate Committee in early June 1963. Marie and Paul accompanied her and Roger to D.C., and they spent...
Rachel Carson's AHA! Moment, Chapter 13 - all chapters at
13. On April 3, 1963, CBS Reports: “The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson” aired on national TV. Rachel was very nervous. She felt as if her...
Rachel Carson's AHA! Moment, chapter 12 - all posts at
12. Rachel returned to Silver Spring, and then suddenly, without warning, she experienced excruciating back pain, which her doctors...